16 September 2011

Scrapbuggy Challenge #7

As you might know if you are an Aussie....we are going mad buying up big on the internet.    One of the reasons is lack of choice here and shockingly expensive items that are sometimes a third of the price overseas.    Because of the extra spending, post is taking an infuriatingly long time to get here.   Normally a package from the US would take 9 days....(yes I do pace and stalk the postman so I know).     My latest package from Scrapbuggy took  39 days....!!!!!     Why am I telling you all of this...well, I'd ordered the Scrapbuggy exclusive Kids die and without it I couldn't enter the challenge.....lol....So finally with only 2 days left of the challenge I managed to put this card together.      A bit of a rush but overall I just adore this die and so glad I bought it.    

Thanks for looking.

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute card!! Love how the little girl is sitting in the window.
